﹒Sociocultural Approaches to Science Education Equity Lab (13동 322호) 홈페이지
- ﹒2011 – 2020 서울대학교 과학교육과 조교수, 부교수
- ﹒2007 – 2011 Drexel University (Philadelphia, USA) Assistant Professor of Education
- ﹒2006 – 2010 Queens College, city University (New York, USA) Assistant Professor
- ﹒2005 – 2007 The Graduate Center, City University (New York, USA) Assistant Professor
- ﹒1997 – 2002 Philadelphia School District (Philadelphia, USA) K-12 Science Teacher
- ﹒질적 연구 방법 및 교육 연구에 사회 문화 이론 적용
- (Qualitative research methods and the application of social and cultural theories to educational research)
- ﹒과학 교육의 형평성 문제(인종, 계층, 성별, 언어, 특수 교육)
- (Equity issues in science education (race, class, gender, language, special education))
- ﹒다문화 과학 교육 (Multicultural science education)
- ﹒비공식 환경에서의 환경 교육 (Environmental education in informal settings)
- ﹒디지털 과학 텍스트 리터러시 (Digital science text literacy)
﹒Lee, H., Kang, D.Y., Kim, M.J., & Martin, S. (in press). Navigating into the Future of Science Museum Education focused on Educators’ Adaptions during Covid-19. Cultural Studies of Science Education.
﹒Kim, M.J., Kang, D. Y., & Martin, S. (2022). Exploring informal science education responses to COVID-19 global pandemic: Learning from the case of the Gwacheon National Science Museum in Korea. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 17, 341-354. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11422-021-10073-5
﹒Lee, J.Y., & Martin, S. (2022). COVID-19 상황에서 초등교사들의 수업 운영 경험과 위드코로나 수업 방향에 대한 초등교사들의 인식: 수업 전문성 기준틀을 중심으. 한국교원교육연구, 39(2), 169-198.
﹒Mang, H.A., Chu, H.E., Martin, S., & Kim, C.H. (2021). An SSI-Based STEAM Approach to Developing Science Programs. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 7(2), 549-585.
﹒Martin, S., & Kang, D.Y. (2020). Rethinking approaches to research: The importance of considering contextually mitigating factors to promote equitable practices in science education research. Cultural Studies of Science Education,15(2), 569-582.
﹒Faisal & Martin, S. (2019). Science Education in Indonesia: Past, Present and Future. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 1:4, 2019.
﹒Kang, D. Y., & Martin, S. (2018). Improving Learning Opportunities for Special Education Needs (SEN) Students by Engaging Pre-Service Science Teachers in an Informal Experiential Learning Course. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38(3), 319-347.
﹒Lee, Y.J., Chu, H.E., & Martin, S. (2018). Examining factors that influence on elementary teachers’ perceptions in a graduate level Interdisciplinary Environmental Education program: Using ePCK as a framework. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(10), 1-23
﹒Ahn, W., Chu, H.-E., Kim, H.J., Park, H.K., & Martin, S. (2016). 다문화 배경 언어학습자의 과학수업 내 소집단에서의 역할 및 상호작용 양상 탐색. 학습자중심교과교육학회 저널, 16(6), 921-950.
﹒Siry, C., & Martin, S. (2014). Facilitating reflexivity in preservice science teacher education using video analysis and cogenerative dialogue in field-based methods courses. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(5), 481-508.
﹒Song, J., Park, H.Y., Jeong, Y.J., Martin, S., Im, H.J., Na, J., Jang, J., Cho, H.M. & Kang, D.Y. (June, 2019). 미래 학교교육: 무엇을 어떻게 준비할 것인가? [The Future of School Education: What and how to prepare?]. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Bookshill. [Korean Language/한국어]
﹒Song, J., Jeong, Y., Martin, S., Na, J., Jang, J., & Kang, D.Y. (June, 2018). 교실과 문화: 동아시아 과학 교실문화의 이해 [Classroom and Culture: Understanding the Science Classroom Culture of East Asia]. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Bookshill. [Korean Language/한국어]
﹒Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J.B., & Martin, S. [Eds.]. (2010). Re-visioning science education from feminist perspectives: Challenges, choices and careers. Netherlands: Sense Publishers.